Saturday 10 November 2012

So during out of nowhere, we were given a task that requires us to watch a movie. There were some choices from Frankenwinnie, Skyfall but we ended up with Silent Hill (there were some that went to Skyfall but oh well hehe) Okay so were are asked to do a review based from it and we can choose to do our silhouette from this movie or just do our own imagination.

Here it goes, Silent Hill. First impression, I did not expect to want to watch this film because it was a sequel and I haven't even watch the first one so I a bit reluctant to watch it. But seeing that I like horror movies so why not right? Poor Frakenwinnie <- First Choice. Anyway, I've done some research, turns out it was based from a Japanese RP game. Mind you, you can't compare them because from my point of view, the original is always the best; the game.

Lets start off with the story, it was mm, gruesome in a way? I'm talking about the nurse part and the octopus head part. I remember haha, I'm sorry for name dropping but Adrian trying to cover his eyes for some parts of the scene. Yea it was pretty gross in a cool way. Honestly, my favourite scene was the nurse one, I was like shit shit shit shit they're coming.

Don't forget the Pyramid Head.

The fight scene was awesome, given the main role is a girl, gotta give her props for doing her job. That reminds me, the dungeon scene creeps me out. Each scene has a certain element to it which is awesome, it draws you into the story. The set is also breathtaking; I'm talking about the part when they first entered Silent Hill, how the fogs surrounds the place.
 From the first movie 
Overall I was impressed, there's not a lot of good horror movie nowadays but this one is not too bad. It's much better than some hollywood horror movies these days. Although it's underrated, give it try, you might like it, I did and I did not expect that :D

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