Wednesday 26 September 2012


And now the moment you've all been waiting for~.. Okay who am I kidding. This is a portrait of yours faithfully. I admit, it doesn't look anything like me but it screams art. I only wished I had more materials to play with. Materials used was strings, tracing paper, red paint, coffee beans, oil pastels, ribbons, black chalk, those stars glitter things, leaf, and felt! :D My favourite part? Of course the caterpillar eye brows! I had to say, some of it are inspirations from Van Gogh, you just have to squint to see it. You could say the theme was surrealism :)
Tengku Namira Alya

At first, I initially thought it was gonna be a piece of cake but during the actual process of the whole thing, I take it back. It's really hard (for me especially) to do one's portrait. With little materials, I was wondering whether I could pull it off. Heck I was wondering whether the look I want to give was the 'me' in University or the 'me' own comfort zone. You could say it's a little bit of both, hence the glasses. I had a hard time choosing the hairstyle, normally I would do the normal tying up the hair, but I thought 'if I do this, I'll look like un-girl ish' to avoid that, lol, that hairstyle was somehow born? haha.
Okay I guess it will pretty lame if I just end a Self Portrait post without my actual face in it right? Inspirations for this photo came from a mixture of Gothic Fairytale. I don't if that makes sense to you but it does to me. (as you can see the eyes, the hair, background etc) I emphasize on the eyes since I think that's quite an eye catching (pun intended) feature of mine. Honestly I love it, I wish I could you know, wear this kind of look in public but being the decent (hey!) person that I am, I chose not to. This somehow relates to an upcoming topic which is Mask! Look forward to it! :D

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