Sunday 30 September 2012


Comedy; it all begins with a laugh. It wouldn't be comedy without laughter am I right or am I right? It can be divided into multiple genres based of the source of comedy, the method of delivery and many more. You don't have to be a comedian to make people laugh because there are even those type of people that don't even need to do anything. Take this guy for example;

In my honest opinion, his performance was poetic and witty. Who would have even thought a guy like him would be able to make people enjoy his 'work'? See how the first judge reacted and how sorry he was later on. As the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

My personal favourite stand up comedian is Kevin Hart, I swear, his performance are genius. He takes his jokes personally, he even jokes about his height, family and even the audience.I really recommend you to watch his works and lucky for you, here's one.


Now onto another part of comedy, Improvisational comedy! also known as a form of performance art. It doesn't require a script, rather it just comes on the spot. A great technique is required. Some of the basic skills improvisation teaches actors are to listen and be aware of the other players, to have clarity in communication, and confidence to find choices instinctively and spontaneously. (Wikipedia) .The most notable improvisational comedy in today's generation is the show, 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' This show consist of four performers who create songs, characters, and scenes on the spot.
The objective of this show is being able to make the viewers laugh.


Next will be Ventriloquism! I absolutely adore people who are talented enough to make a puppet communicate with the comic itself because it is a stagecraft that requires a person being able to change his or her voice so that it appears that voice is coming from the puppet itself. One difficulty ventriloquists face is that all the sounds that they make must be made with lips slightly separated. The video I'm gonna show you will amaze you, I'm sure of it. He not only is good at ventriloquising but also impressions!


Notable comedic actors that made an impression (that pun was not intended) not only to myself but to the world is none other than Charlie Chaplin. I came to know more about Charlie when I watch a biographical film starring Robert Downey Jr as him. It left an impact on me so I decided to research more about his famous slapstick comedy. That type of comedy influenced other comics such as Rowan Atkinson, famously known as Mr Bean.

to end all of this, watch this and have a good laugh! (in a way)

 Here's the infamous comedy skit. Let the lame laughter begin!
First Attempt:

Second Attempt:

Saturday 29 September 2012

To sum it up

Didn't you hear?

okay this is so not happening. We're supposed to make a comedy skit in class next friday. I'm like the last person in there they would laugh at since my jokes are super ridiculously lame. Wish me luck guys!

Wednesday 26 September 2012


And now the moment you've all been waiting for~.. Okay who am I kidding. This is a portrait of yours faithfully. I admit, it doesn't look anything like me but it screams art. I only wished I had more materials to play with. Materials used was strings, tracing paper, red paint, coffee beans, oil pastels, ribbons, black chalk, those stars glitter things, leaf, and felt! :D My favourite part? Of course the caterpillar eye brows! I had to say, some of it are inspirations from Van Gogh, you just have to squint to see it. You could say the theme was surrealism :)
Tengku Namira Alya

At first, I initially thought it was gonna be a piece of cake but during the actual process of the whole thing, I take it back. It's really hard (for me especially) to do one's portrait. With little materials, I was wondering whether I could pull it off. Heck I was wondering whether the look I want to give was the 'me' in University or the 'me' own comfort zone. You could say it's a little bit of both, hence the glasses. I had a hard time choosing the hairstyle, normally I would do the normal tying up the hair, but I thought 'if I do this, I'll look like un-girl ish' to avoid that, lol, that hairstyle was somehow born? haha.
Okay I guess it will pretty lame if I just end a Self Portrait post without my actual face in it right? Inspirations for this photo came from a mixture of Gothic Fairytale. I don't if that makes sense to you but it does to me. (as you can see the eyes, the hair, background etc) I emphasize on the eyes since I think that's quite an eye catching (pun intended) feature of mine. Honestly I love it, I wish I could you know, wear this kind of look in public but being the decent (hey!) person that I am, I chose not to. This somehow relates to an upcoming topic which is Mask! Look forward to it! :D

Friday 21 September 2012


So last Friday, Mr Charles asked us to make a post regarding 'Self Portrait'. So the first thought I had was, so we're supposed take a photo of ourselves and explain this and that. If only it was that simple. But here I'm not gonna talk about the exact definition of it, no sir, I'm gonna elaborate more in my point of view. (to view the references, hover your mouse to the title of the photo/the coloured text)

For me, Self Portrait is like an image that you created for yourself. It can be in any form, but the most common known to mankind is a simple photograph of a face. Later on, now I'll show some of the photos made by artist that is captivating to the human eye, well for me that is.

Marina Abramović, Self-Portrait with Maracas, 2006
Self Portrait is not as simple as it sounds. By looking at a simple piece of work, it can show many emotions from happy to sad and from grieve to joyous. The unique thing about it, is, it doesn't just have to be photographed, it can be interpreted in many kinds of ways.

'Saskia' 2012, River Of Milk, Roq La Rue Gallery
The artwork above is made by using colour pencils. The artist made a self portrait of a human surrounded by roses, covering the whole face except for the nose and the mouth. This photo that I stumbled by accident intrigues me, and since I'm bad at explaining things, I'm not gonna say it. But I will do say that somehow it looks as it's hiding something.

Bond of Loyalty
Who said self portrait only consist of one individual? From artworks to mangas, this picture right here is a character from the famous action Japanese manga written and drawn by Tite Kubo. If you actually follow the story of the said manga, the relationship between these two are of master and sword, yes. sword.

Now lets go back in time. The 16th and 19th century to be exact.
Oda Nobunaga in a 16th century portrait
Portraits and self-portraits have a longer continuous history in Asian art than in Europe. This is one of them. Some of the art portraits back during that era tend to have a Nobel warrior in a large landscape, illustrating a poem in calligraphy on his experience of the scene.

As some of you know, this is Vincent van Gogh. He is one of the many painters that I admire. A little fact, he actually painted himself thirty-seven times between 1886 and 1889. Yup, 37. I won't say it was vain (this is a joke of course) of him to do that but in fact, he was so dedicated to his work. There are a lot of versions, one of it is that he actually cut a part of his ear and he did a self portrait of it. You can check his artworks in here.

A side view of a self portrait photo
Before I end, I must warn you haha, from now on, if I'm in an okay mood, most of the post will be featuring this guy up here. Isn't he just gorgeous? HAHAHA! I think I might have creep you out by saying he's gorgeous, fine. He's a good looking fellow.

Basically it features two photo of me then I edited it my own way. I just play around with the hue,saturation, layers and crop here and there, don't forget the lighting! Honestly, the reason why I took the photo was the glasses. Harry Potter inspiration much? Yes, heck I even borrowed my brother's shirt just for this, somehow I was going to the androgynous look, I don't know whether I succeed though, you could be the judge of it.

First post of the day

So it's been awhile since I started writing in a blog since well, my laptop crashed and I'm currently using my sister's one. Pardon my language but it sucks because I can't edit the layout much since this laptop has no photoshop lol. Not to mentioned the photos ): It was fated to be I guess haha. Until it's fixed, well who am I kidding, I'm gonna have a new laptop and I'm so gonna install everything back. I can go back and edit my graphics. Well I can guess I'm sorry if this blog is too common and simple, I wish it was more lively so I can make gifs. I shall not disappoint you! SOON SOON.